Monday, December 1, 2008

USA Today's Faith & Reason blog

One of's featured bloggers is Cathy Lynn Grossman, a religion reporter for the paper. She runs a blog called Faith & Reason, where she covers touchy topics from the Ten Commandments in courts to "under God" in the Pledge, to the spirit of Christmas.

It seems like a good forum for discussion on really interesting issues like John Lennon's views, which may be reported on in other blogs but likely not in USA Today.

Commenters are generally thought-provoking yet civil, though as I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure whether the comments are moderated so that could be a reason for their cleanliness.

Grossman's blogroll on the right side of the page is diverse and gives voice to many parts of the country.

She does a pretty good job of keeping her own views fairly benign in her writing, calling things into question while letting her readers discuss the issues.

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